Blogger BlogNet49964

Blog Prospecting


Although there are hundreds of online marketing techniques you can employ, over short periods of time Blog Prospecting can give you and your website the most marketing bang for spending zero in advertising bucks. The only cost on your part is just a little time or sweat equity.

This technique accomplishes two marketing needs for web entrepreneurs, and has some decent byproducts as well. First it will drive moderate amounts of traffic to your site if done properly. Secondly, it will help your sites search engine rankings, and the speed at which they are indexed or included by the likes of MSN, Google & Yahoo! Getting indexed at all can be tough for newbie's, and this technique can often have a new site indexed in the major search engines in a matter of days- not months!

It's Blog Prospecting.

I am going to assume that everyone knows what a Blog is, and most can easily set one up with Blogger, Word Press or your favorite free blogging service of choice. Blogging is one of the easiest and fastest ways you can add relevant content on the web that point back to your main site or more commonly 'your Blog is your home site!' When Blog Prospecting you can promote whatever URL you want. Although, some services like Blogger work better if you are a member, and there are a few Blogging services and Blog owners who refuse to allow promotion of website links period.

So what is Blog Prospecting?

Simply put you are searching for other peoples Blogs that have content that (A) You are interested in commenting on and (B) that the Blog's content would attract similar readers or visitors, that would as well be interested in what you are offering.

Here are three Blog Search Engines you can utilize:

Then you make a marketing commitment to find at least two Blogs a day that you are happy to provide an excellent/constructive/inspiring comment to a post you are interested in (we are not talking about using automated software programs here-that's spamming). When you leave your post, make sure to also leave a clickable html link to the URL or webpage you are promoting in your comment signature.

It is as simple as that.

Blog Prospecting is not the same as Blog spamming, as please don't leave comments just for the sake of getting a link to your site...that is spamming and it will come back to bite you at some point. Make absolute sure you have something poignant to say.

Not only will you increase traffic to your site, and gain faster search engine inclusion, and better rankings, you will as well be communicating with other Blog and website owners who after reading your clever comments may decide to join your list, buy your product/service or better yet...want to propose a Joint Venture or work with you.

Blog Prospecting is an effective marketing technique that obviously has many positive side benefits. Following this advice could result in 100's of QUALITY links back to your site in very little period of time...that is, if you like that sort of thing?

You can have the greatest Ezine or website in the world, but if no one is coming to your site, and you don't have the money to buy targeted visitors through AdWords or other Pay-Per-Click services...then Blog Prospecting may be your ultimate no cost marketing solution.

After all, there is nothing better in life than free!

by Lee Raito, CFP, FMA
Business & Financial Expert

Business and financial expert Lee Raito has teamed up with Internet marketing expert Sam Heyer to provide you with information that will take your business success to a place it has definitely never been before. Their controversial book, Business Sexcess, is the much talked about book that will transform how you look at business. For a free download please visit

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Blogger BlogNet49964: Nov 11, 2008

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