Blogger BlogNet49964

Cheap Home Insurance - How Do You Find Affordable Rates?


Finding affordable home insurance is a lot easier than most people realize. Here are three ideas to keep in mind if you are looking to cut your home owners insurance expenses.

Idea number one: That low deductible could be adding a lot to your premium. Consider a higher deductible to see your premium drop. Of course, you do want to be sure that you can come up with the deductible in the event of a claim. You could put the extra money you have into a savings account in case you need to pay the deductible. You'll have the money for the deductible plus some interest-earning savings; a win-win situation.

Idea number two: Comparison shop. Here's the big secret about saving home insurance: Rates can vary quite a bit from one company to the next and that means you may be paying more than you need to. Just a little bit of time spent getting quotes could save you hundreds of dollars. Even if you knew you had a low rate when you took out your current policy, it's a good idea to periodically check it against the competition as rates do change.

The Insurance Information Institute recommends that you get at least three quotes from different companies. This is pretty easy to do, especially if you use an insurance comparison site. A comparison site will take your information that you enter into their quote request form and allow several companies or agents to find you the lowest rate. You can then follow-up with the quote you like best.

Idea number three: Take advantage of all available discounts. Discounts are a great way to save a little extra on your premium. Most companies offer discounts for having smoke alarms, burglar alarms, deadbolt locks and upgraded electrical and plumbing systems. You can also save when you insure your home and vehicles with the same company. Be sure to ask about discounts when you follow up on quotes.

Finally, affordable home insurance is one thing. "Cheap" is another. Home owners insurance is protecting one of the most important assets in your life. You want to make sure you choose a reputable company. There are several organizations that rate insurance companies based on financial strength, such as A.M. Best, Weiss and Standard & Poor's. They all have Web sites where you can get further information. Also, you can check with your state's insurance department as well.

Affordable home insurance quotes

Justin Scott is a free-lance writer and recommends the comparison site for up to five quotes on homeowners insurance. The site also features more tips about saving on home insurance.

car finance

4 Steps to Make Money Online


There certainly are many different ways to make Money on the Internet today. What I want to do in this article is give you four steps that you can follow to make money online selling a product. I will also show you how you can do this if you do not have a product of your own to sell.

1. Nobody makes any money on the Internet today until something is sold. If you have a product of your own currently right now you have an advantage over Internet marketers looking for products to sell. If you do not have a product of your own you can easily find one by joining an affiliate program and selling products for other people.

2. One thing you should do is to promote a landing page where you capture contact information for future follow-up. The landing page is nothing more than trading contact information from your visitor for something of value that you provide.

The benefit of promoting the landing page is it allows you to build your own email marketing list for future follow. As your list grows it will be an important part of how you make money online.

3. Today the best way to sell a product on the Internet is by pre selling it. Of course the way to do that is to learn everything about a product and then create a webpage where you discuss what you've learned.

Pre selling does not have to mean listing only the good points about your product either. You certainly want a point out everything you've learned even if it means listing a few negatives as well.

The primary advantage of pre selling is it gives you the opportunity to get the customer in a buying mood. If you have your own product you probably have a sales page already set up.

If you join an affiliate program they will give you your own sales page with your affiliate ID number. You always want to promote your pre-sell page before sending your customers through to your sales page.

4. If a customer doesn't purchase a product from you on the first visit that's okay because you have their name and e-mail address for future follow-up. By working with your mailing list and establishing relationships with it you will make sales in the future.

This is four steps that you can follow to make money online today. By utilizing this approach you are building a business for the future as well as making sales today.

Jerry Leonard
Though one may doubt the possibility of succeeding when operating an affiliate home based business opportunities, they should not draw conclusions before trying it.

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Blogger BlogNet49964: Oct 28, 2008

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